As an Exempt Market Dealer it is important to have a solid understanding of the investment landscape and regulatory framework to help our clients make informed investment decisions. At CVC™ Market Point Inc. we are committed to empowering our clients and prospects through education and knowledge-sharing about the exempt market. We provide a range of educational resources that will help guide you.

Our educational resources cover everything from the basics of exempt market investing to advanced topics such as regulatory information and understanding risks. In addition to our resources, we provide personalized guidance and support to each of our clients. Our team of Dealing Representatives will work closely with you to understand your personal financial position to help you make an informed decision about our investment opportunities.

We encourage our clients and prospects to ask questions. Contact us today to learn more!

Exempt Market FAQs

These questions and answers are meant to provide an overview of the industry and types of products we offer but by no means are they an exhaustive list of information.

Industry Links

Please see the links to further sources of information to help you make an informed investment decision.


Interested in investing in products offered by CVC™ Market Point Inc.?
Contact us today to speak with a dealing representative.